Maurten FAQs

Where do you ship to?

Where do you ship to? ships to all of Norway. At this time we have quite long lead times on delivery. The map below shows your estimated delivery. 

Not living in Norway? 

Maurten currently ship to selected countries within the European Union (excluding the Canary Islands), the UK (excluding Guernsey & Jersey), the US and Canada. Maurten are working hard to start shipping to more countries as soon as possible. Sign up for Maurtens official newsletter for the latest information on new markets.

To buy products in Most of the World, visit
To buy products in Australia, visit
To buy products in Greece, visit
To buy products in Japan, visit
To buy products in Mexico, visit
To buy products in South Africa, visit
To buy products in Spain & Portugal, visit

Can I edit my order details after purchase?

Unfortunately, it is not currently possible for you to edit your order content, nor your address, after the order has been placed and paid for.

Why use Maurten's sports fuels?

The hydrogel technology encapsulates high concentrations of carbohydrates to fuel during activity. We only use food-graded ingredients and there are no added flavors, colorants or preservatives. Nothing more and nothing less than what’s needed.

What ingredients are in your sports fuels?

The products only contain natural ingredients – all well-established and food-graded. Our Drink Mixes contain maltodextrin, fructose, pectin, sodium alginate and sodium chloride (salt). The Gel 100 contain water, glucose, fructose, calcium carbonate, gluconic acid and sodium alginate. Find out more on product pages.

Are the products safe to use?

Yes, samples from every batch have been, and will be, sent for screening by independent third party laboratories. All Maurten suppliers are certified according to the international FSSC 22000 standard.

Are the products only for elite athletes?

No, the products are for everyone – from elite athletes to amateurs.

Are the products gluten-free?

All Maurten products are made from ingredients that are certified as free from gluten and other common allergens. However the SOLID 225 and SOLID C 225 may contain traces of gluten due to potential cross contamination in the solid production facility.

About flavors

Maurten products are designed to have little to no taste or flavor. Artificial flavors and colors are often added to mask unpalatable products.Athletes will be able to detect the sweetness of glucose and fructose in Maurten products. If you want to add your own natural flavor, do not use a product with high acidity. That would compromise the structure of the Hydrogel, and therefore the intention of the product.

Remember, adding flavors will not aid your performance.

How long before Maurten takes effect?

The uptake of carbohydrates will noticeably take place within 15-20 min after consuming Drink Mix or Gel. The peak maximum uptake (peak blood glucose concentration) will be reached around 30-45 min, and most of the carbohydrates will be absorbed within 60-75 min after ingestion.

The efficiency of Maurten Drink Mix relies on a chemical reaction that takes place in the stomach between pH-sensitive Drink Mix and stomach's acidic environment. Therefore, all factors that alter pH in the stomach might have a negative effect (eg. consumption of other products).

One factor that can disrupt the hydrogel formation is the consumption of a large amount of water (pH 6 – 7) prior to Maurten. This means that too much water can theoretically dilute gastric acid.

How does Maurten impact dental health?

Most energy products on the market contain acids and flavors. Excessive acid can be damaging to oral health. Bad oral health can induce inflammation which affects your performance.All Maurten products are built with natural ingredients and close to pH neutral which has less impact on oral health. The carbohydrates are encapsulated by the Hydrogel, so there is minimal interaction with teeth.


Maurten hydrogel technology

What is a Hydrogel?

Hydrogels are three-dimensional networks of hydrophilic polymers with a high water content that is biocompatible. We took this to our advantage when we discovered a highly effective way to build hydrogels with natural ingredients alginate (seaweed) and pectin (fruit fiber) that encapsulate the most efficient source of energy around – carbohydrates. The two key components, Alginate and Pectin, create a protective hydrogel structure that efficiently delivers salt and carbohydrates through the stomach to the intestine, where the hydrogel dissolves, and the body can absorb the salt and carbohydrates.

Our patented Hydrogel technology enables us to increase the amount of carbohydrates available to the body as fuel. Hydrogel technology reduces the risk of gastrointestinal problems that arise when loading the stomach with traditional sports fuels and unnecessary ingredients like colorants, preservatives, and artificial flavors, that do not aid your performance.

Maurten Drink Mix 320and Drink Mix 160: The pH-sensitive liquid converts to a hydrogel in the acidity of the stomach, protecting the salt and carbohydrate from breaking down in the stomach. The hydrogel then dissolves when it interacts with the intestinal fluid, releasing the carbohydrates.

Maurten Gels: Our gel is completely different from the other standard syrups. We don't use artificial ingredients and unnecessary colorants. The hydrogel is already formed in the sachet and built by combining alginate and calcium to create the hydrogel network.

Hydrogel Technology: How it works?

The sports drink instantly converts to hydrogel in the acidity of the stomach. The hydrogel enables smooth transportation of the drink through the stomach to the intestine where the water, salt, and carbohydrates are released and absorbed, giving you a fast and large supply of energy that your body can tolerate.

Is Technology patented?

Yes, we have filed several patent applications to protect the technology.

Bicarb System

Maurten Bicarb System -

Is the Bicarb System for me?

Bicarbonate can be used in training and competition for sports that require intermittent or constant intensity near or above the anaerobic threshold, such as cycling, middle-distance running, rowing, swimming, team sports, and combat sports. 

It can also be used in threshold (interval) training for all types of endurance sports. 

However, the use of bicarbonate during prolonged steady-state endurance events such as marathons or long-distance triathlons is still an area of research.

How do I prepare the Bicarb System for consumption?

The mixing instructions for tthe Maurten Bicarb System can be found on the box, or in the digital planner. The powder of component B is mixed with water in component A to create a hydrogel. The bicarbonate mini tablets (Component C) are added to the hydrogel and stirred in before consuming. 

If you are a Bicarb user, please refer to the more detailed mixing instructions on the box or in the Digital System to ensure an optimal Bicarb experience.

What is Sodium Bicarbonate?

Large doses of sodium bicarbonate balance the rising acidity that overwhelms the muscles during all-out, intense anaerobic efforts. Sodium bicarbonate has a long history of use in sports.

Is the Maurten Bicarb system certified clean and allowed in competitive sports?

The Maurten Bicarb System has received Informed Sport certification, guaranteeing a product free from substances prohibited by WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency), and manufactured to high-quality standards. Every batch is tested before it’s released to market. 

What is different about Maurten Bicarb System?

The Maurten Bicarb System is different from bicarb solutions and bicarb capsules, the two traditional forms of bicarbonate. The Maurten Bicarb System is a combination of bicarb mini tablets and a hydrogel.

How does the Maurten Bicarb System work?

The hydrogel helps ingesting the mini tablets and protect from dissolving prematurely in the stomach. Because of their small size, mini tablets are not caught in the stomach as capsules do, resulting in a more controlled transfer from the stomach to the intestine, where they gradually disintegrate and the sodium bicarbonate is dissolved and absorbed.

Are there any risks or side effects to the Maurten Bicarb System?

The intake of sodium may lead to water retention and weight gain.

Daily or weekly high intake of sodium may lead to an increase in blood pressure. Individuals with a previous history of high blood pressure should consult with a healthcare professional before using the product.

How much sodium is in each dose?

Total sodium of each dose: 

Bicarb System 15 (15g of Sodium Bicarbonate) = 4100mg 

Bicarb System 19 (19g of Sodium Bicarbonate) = 5200mg 

Bicarb System 22 (22g of Sodium Bicarbonate) = 6000mg 

Bicarb System 25 (25g of Sodium Bicarbonate) = 6800 mg

How much carbohydrate is in the component B?

Component B contains a total of 39.2 grams of carbohydrate, of which 14.4 grams are sugars, composed of maltodextrin and fructose - this is the same across all bicarb doses.

How much sodium is in each dose?

Total sodium of each dose: 

Bicarb System 15 (15g of Sodium Bicarbonate) = 4100mg 

Bicarb System 19 (19g of Sodium Bicarbonate) = 5200mg 

Bicarb System 22 (22g of Sodium Bicarbonate) = 6000mg 

Bicarb System 25 (25g of Sodium Bicarbonate) = 6800 mg

Which system/ dose do I need?

You can find out which dose would be optimal for you with the survey on this page: Bicarb / Maurten

When do I ingest the Bicarb System?

The Bicarb System should be ingested 1.5–2 hours before intense exercise - warming-up can be started before this. The Bicarb Digital System has been created by our in-house nutritional scientists to make it intuitive to plan, prepare, and execute a bicarb session or race. It’s virtually your personal bicarb nutritionist.

Do I chew the component C (the mini tablets)?


Which type of water should I use?

The carbohydrate mix is designed for use together with water that does not have a high mineral content. The amount of water should be about 200 ml, with the possibility to take a little less or more to obtain the viscosity that suits you the best. 

For water with high mineral content/high hardness, a reduced water volume may be used.

Can I prepare the Bicarb system the day before a race/training?

Component A and B can be prepared the day before. It is then recommended to keep it overnight at refrigerator temperature. Component C should only be added immediately before consuming.

Do I need to ingest all of the contents of bowl?

The mini tablets should always be ingested alongside the hydrogel.

What do I do if the digital system states I have the wrong dose?

If the digital system states that you have the incorrect dose based on you weight you have provided, please follow our returns policy.

Is the hydrogel in component B the same as in your Drink Mixes and Gels ?

No, each of the three types of products are different in terms of the hydrogel.

Is the Maurten Bicarb System vegetarian/vegan?

Yes. The Maurten Bicarb system is suitable for vegans and vegetarians.

How often can I use the Maurten Bicarb System?

We recommend not to exceed 2–3 doses per week. On days when you use the Maurten Bicarb System, there is no need for taking sodium supplements.

I don’t have the box anymore, where can I find the Digital Planner?

If you have bought a Bicarb System product and no longer have the product box, links to the planner can found in the product-specific email you received after purchasing the Bicarb System, or by contacting our customer support.

Is the technology patented?

Patent is pending in Europe and US.

Where is the Bicarb System available for purchase?

Bicarb System is currently only available for purchase online on, and Bicarb is not yet available in Canada, Australia, Greece, Japan, New Zealand, South Africa, Switzerland, or in retail stores.

Where do I return my Bicarb System product?

If you have bought the wrong dose or there is a problem with your product please contact your point of sale for returns. 

If you purchased through (including FR customers), please find return information here

If purchased through, please contact us.

What is the expiry date on the Maurten Bicarb System?

The Maurten Bicarb System has an expiry date two years from production and at least one year from purchase. Any questions or concerns regarding the product you have received, please contact customer support.

Can I use a reward or discount to buy the Bicarb System?

No, discount codes and rewards cannot be applied to the Bicarb System.

Drink Mixes

What's Different about Maurten Drink Mixes?

Normally, as soon as the concentration of carbohydrates in a drink is increased, gastric emptying slows down – resulting in less fluid and carbohydrate delivery to the body. The stomach problems caused by this have been a significant issue for many athletes.

At Maurten, we’ve found a way to avoid these problems by using hydrogel technology. This has enabled us to develop sports energy products with high carbohydrate concentrations. Some of the best runners in the world are now using our products, both during training and races.

Drink Mix 160 & 320: Which one is for me?

Both Drink Mixes are built with our patented hydrogel technology and contain two different carbohydrate concentrations; Drink Mix 320 contains 80g of carbohydrates (mixed with 500ml of water) while Drink Mix 160 contains 40g of carbohydrates (mixed with 500ml of water).

Drink Mix 320 can be used as a preload and consumed during training and racing. This product could be beneficial when fluid requirements are low, as in cooler temperatures. Drink Mix 160 can be used as a preload too, and for shorter training and races. This would be our recommended option in hot and humid conditions when you’d need more fluid.

There is no general hydration strategy since the sweat rates vary between individuals, seasons, and climates. These factors must be considered when choosing the right Maurten product.

Can I mix 2 sachets with 500ml water?

Yes, however, Drink Mixes are developed to be mixed with the ratio of one sachet and 500ml of water, which creates the intended strength of the hydrogel binding.

If you mix the Drink Mixes in more water than recommended you will dilute the gelling components and make hydrogel progressively weaker. This means that the hydrogel structure won’t be as strong as intended and could potentially make you more prone to gastrointestinal issues.

However, mixing more than one Drink Mix with 500ml does not have the same effect. Creating a higher concentrated Maurten drink will result in a sweeter and thicker drink (more viscous/dense and the resulting hydrogel will be stronger) - we strongly advise you to practice the tolerance of a drink before implementing it in a race strategy.

Do I need to add electrolytes?


There is no strong scientific evidence to support that athletes need to add electrolytes during activities. Electrolytes can be used at the athlete's discretion during hard training, racing, or in warm conditions. If you want to add electrolytes, add them for your recovery, but they should not be used in immediate conjunction with Maurten products.

Furthermore, many electrolytes (magnesium, potassium, calcium, sodium) attract alginate molecules, thus creating a competitive environment where fewer alginate molecules will be able to create cross-links with hydrogen ions in the stomach (i.e. the hydrogel strength will be influenced).

Can I prepare Drink Mix the day before a race/training?

Maurten Drink Mix 320 and Drink Mix 160 do not contain any preservatives. We recommend consuming the drink within 24h after mixing with water.

As for any drink containing sugar (and no preservatives), the drinks will stay fresh for longer if kept cool (refrigerated). Store in cooler temperatures for longer storage (48-72h). Do not heat the Maurten products to more than 60°C. For long term storage, Maurten gels should be kept at room temperature or slightly cooler.

Which type of water should I use?

Our hydrogel sports drink is advanced and the function rely on precise circumstances. We recommend you to not mix it with water with high levels of minerals (>40mg/L calcium). High calcium concentrations make the drink mix hard to dissolve.


Gel 160 -

Why gels, I like your drinks?

It's easier to carry energy with you on a run, ride, or other activity in the form of gels. In a race, most athletes do not get a bottle handed every 15 minutes – but can easily carry a bunch of gels while running or biking.

What is different about Maurten gels?

From a technical perspective, traditional "gels"are water and carbohydrates simply mixed into syrups, often containing added flavors and preservatives. Our GEL is completely different. It’s a hydrogel – a biopolymer matrix, filled with a unique blend of fructose and glucose (ratio of 0.8:1) which enables uptakes of up to 100 grams of carbohydrates per hour.

How do Maurten gels work?

By harnessing our Hydrogel Technology we’ve built a biopolymer matrix that is dense enough to encapsulate both the caffeine and the carbohydrate mixture. It relies on the same concept as our drinks where the hydrogel technology enables a smoother transportation of carbohydrates.

Can I combine gels with drink mixes?

Use gels on their own during shorter durations, or combine them with other Maurten products to ensure you have enough carbohydrates throughout your session.

Should I drink water with the gel?

Maurten Drink Mix 320 and You don’t have to. Unlike other gels on the market, you don't need to drink water to wash down the product. However, hydration is important, and drinking plain water won't affect the efficiency of the hydrogel.

Our advice: drink to thirst.

What is GEL 100 CAF 100?

GEL 100 CAF 100 is a new Hydrogel Sports fuel with caffeine. It contains 100 mg of caffeine – that’s the equivalent of 1,5 espressos – or one cup of brewed coffee. That’s a lot compared to many of the traditional gels out there. It delivers 25 grams of carbohydrates through a unique blend of fructose and glucose (ratio of 0.8:1) and packs a high weight-to-energy ratio. Like all of our products, it doesn’t contain any added flavors, preservatives, or colorants.

How would caffeine help my performance?

Caffeine has been shown to promote alertness and reduce perceived effort. These are properties that can be beneficial in sports performance. But it does not enhance performance: it reduces fatigue and performance decline that occurs during a race.

Caffeine effectiveness is dose-dependent and the response is highly individual, thereby an effective dose is individual, where more is not always better. Caffeine is rapidly absorbed in the blood within 5 –15min, and peaks within 45 –90 min (half-life 180–300min). It interacts with many tissues and organs and inhibits/blocks adenosine which promotes alertness. There is a lot of research proving the benefits of using caffeine in combination with carbohydrates over carbohydrates alone.

How to use caffeine products?

Developing a nutritional strategy for races or key sessions is complex. Caffeine absorption and metabolizing rate varies between individuals. There are two key factors that are important to take into account: 1) your body weight and 2) if you’re used to caffeine. Science suggests an intake of 3 mg of caffeine per kilogram body mass, to aid performance. But, it’s highly individual. We’ve developed some general guidelines on how to use the GEL 100 CAF 100, based on our own findings and scientific literature.

Order Information

Can I buy the sports fuel in other sizes and formats?

Maurten Drink Mix 160 comes only in a box of 18 servings. Maurten Drink Mix 320 comes in a box of 14 servings. Maurten Gel 100 and Gel 100 Caf 100 come in a box of 12 servings. Maurten Solids come in boxes of 12. The Maurten Bicarb System includes 4 portions. 

We offer a starter kit containing 1 Drink Mix 320, 1 Drink Mix 160, 2 Gel 100 and 1 Solid 225. If you are participating in events or races, we occasionally offer race bundles linked to these specific events.

Do I get an order confirmation and receipt?

Yes, order confirmation will be sent to your e-mail after placing the order. For receipt please contact our payment provider (Klarna).

Can I change my address?

No, it is not possible to change the address of your order once it has been placed - this is due to technical reasons.

Can I cancel/edit my order after I've placed it?

No. Once your order is placed in our system, it is not possible to edit or cancel it.

Payment method

Gel 100 Caf 100 -

What payment methods are available at

We use Klarna and you can choose to pay by card, direct bank payment or pay later.

I have got a coupon code, how do I use it?

Go to the Checkout page. Fill out your code in the Coupon code-field and click "Apply coupon"

If you do not see any discount applied after doing this, please contact before processing payment.

Is VAT included in the price?

Yes, all prices include VAT.

How can I be sure that my payment is safe?

All transactions on are securely encrypted through Klarna. We are using Klarna for all payments, meaning that we don't store or collect any data from your payment.

Maurten Norway Shipping information

Drink Mix 320 -

Do you ship to my location?

Where do you ship to? ships to all of Norway. At this time we have quite long lead times on delivery. The map below shows your estimated delivery. 

Not living in Norway? 

Maurten currently ship to selected countries within the European Union (excluding the Canary Islands), the UK (excluding Guernsey & Jersey), the US and Canada. Maurten are working hard to start shipping to more countries as soon as possible. Sign up for Maurtens official newsletter for the latest information on new markets.

To buy products in Most of the World, visit
To buy products in Australia, visit
To buy products in Greece, visit
To buy products in Japan, visit
To buy products in Mexico, visit
To buy products in South Africa, visit
To buy products in Spain & Portugal, visit

Do you offer free shipping?

Yes we do -Shipping costs are shown during checkout after you enter your shipping address.

We offer free shipping on orders above 1999 NOK.

How long is the delivery time?

Where do you ship to? ships to all of Norway. At this time we have quite long lead times on delivery. The map below shows your estimated delivery. 

Not living in Norway? 

Maurten currently ship to selected countries within the European Union (excluding the Canary Islands), the UK (excluding Guernsey & Jersey), the US and Canada. Maurten are working hard to start shipping to more countries as soon as possible. Sign up for Maurtens official newsletter for the latest information on new markets.

To buy products in Most of the World, visit
To buy products in Australia, visit
To buy products in Greece, visit
To buy products in Japan, visit
To buy products in Mexico, visit
To buy products in South Africa, visit
To buy products in Spain & Portugal, visit

Which courier is used by

We ship with Bring and UPS

How can I track my shipment?

You will get a tracking code once the order is dispatched to you from our warehouse.

What can I do if I don't receive my shipment?

If you have not received your order within 14 days, please send an e-mail to

Remember to include your order number in the e-mail.

I got the wrong item in my shipment, what do I do?

Please contact help@maurten.nofor further assistance. Always include your order number in the e-mail.

Where do I turn for further questions related to shipment?

Please send an e-mail to

Contact Us

Contact Us

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions about the products or the company. We'd love to hear from you if you're looking to partner with us too.

Customer service

For questions about orders, shipments, returns, etc., send an e-mail to

Business, enquiries & press:

For questions about business, enquiries & press etc., send an e-mail to


For any distribution enquires, send an e-mail to:

Address: / RLVNT Distribution AB
Bolshedens industriväg 35
427 50 Billdal

Returns & Refunds

Can I return products? 

If you purchase our products as a consumer, you are able to return your ordered products if the packing is unbroken and the products have a non-broken seal. To be able to make the return you have to notify us within fourteen (14) days from order delivery or pick up. To do so, please contact us on 

We will shortly send you a confirmation of your request and provide you with a return form and return label(or stating the return address) and other information if needed.

The notification to us shall contain the following information:

  • the order number of the delivery,
  • your name and contact information, and
  • a specification of the product(s) to be returned.

Once you receive a product return confirmation from us, you must return the product no later than fourteen (14) days from the date of your refund request. You are responsible for all shipping and handling charges on returned products and are liable for any damage to the products during shipment.
Therefore, please make sure that the products are well-packed during shipment. We strongly recommend that you fully insure your return shipment against loss or damage and that you use a carrier that can provide you with proof of delivery for your protection.

Where do I return my product?
RLVNT Distribution AB
Bolshedens Industriväg 35
427 50 Billdal, Sverige


Do I get a refund?

Payments that you made to us for products returned in accordance with our return and refund policy will be refunded to you. If the returned products are damaged or if the value of the products is reduced in any other way, such value reduction will be deducted from the refund unless such reduction in value was due to our negligence exclusively.

When will I get my money back?

For products returned in accordance with this return and refund policy we will make reasonable efforts to ensure that you receive the refund as soon as possible and, at the latest, thirty (30) days after the date on which we receive the return shipment. The refund will be paid to you using the same payment method that you used to make the original payment on the Website unless otherwise agreed.

Who do I contact for questions regarding returns?

Please e-mail your questions to

What if there is something wrong with my product?

If you live in Norway:

Send an e-mail to and we will help you with your complaint.

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We would like to make sure you are fully aware of all of your data protection rights. Every user is entitled to the following:

The right to access – You have the right to request copies of your personal data. We may charge you a small fee for this service.

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If you have any questions or suggestions about our Privacy Policy, do not hesitate to contact us.